Rhône Department
LMDL assisted the Rhône Department in securing its risks of breaches of probity through awareness-raising trainings (for the executive committee and senior executives), the support in the identification, assessment, and remediation of the identified risks. As part of this mission, we focused on the Human Resources Department, Sales/Procurements, and grants management (municipalities and associations).

Var Habitat
LMDL assisted Var Habitat in securing its risks of breaches of probity through awareness-raising trainings (for employees and elected representatives); a review of measures in force considering the 8 mandatory requirements of the Agence Française Anti-corruption; the support in the identification, assessment, and remediation of the identified risks. This work was done in line with the quality system and the existing internal control system.

Collectivity of Corsica
LMDL assisted the Corsican local authority in defining the methodology for identifying, analysing, ranking and managing risks as part of a strategic and shared risk management and internal control process. LMDL more specifically intervened on the risks of breaches of probity.

Aix Marseille University
LMDL assisted Aix Marseille University in the risk analysis and the development of plans of action as part of an audit mission conducted by the Agence Française Anti-corruption (AFA). LMDL carried out training (for the VP and senior executives) and assisted the university in its answer to the AFA’s questions. Strategic recommendations were also made throughout the mission.

Toulouse City Council – Toulouse Metropole
LMDL assisted Toulouse Metropole and Toulouse City Council in the development of a corruption risk mapping on all their activities. This mission involved all agents and contributed to secure both communities in terms of breaches of probity and provided the basis for the prevention, detection, and effective treatment of corruption risks.

LMDL assists the Groupement Parisien Inter-bailleurs de Surveillance (GPIS) in its ISO 37001 certification process, from the development of the risk mapping through the assessment of third parties, to the implementation of a management review. From operating to support functions, LMDL assists the GPIS, through workshops, in objectifying its risks environment of breaches of probity (prevention, detection, remediation) while adopting a continuous improvement approach.