Among its missions, the Agence Française Anti-corruption established by the Sapin II Law, controls the effectiveness of the anti-corruption programmes implemented by organisations. Thus, if you already have anti-corruption measures in force within your organisation and wish to prepare for a possible audit mission conducted by the AFA, LMDL helps you review and improve your system.
- Overall diagnosis of your anti-corruption programme
We review your anti-corruption programme considering the provisions of the law and the AFA’s guidelines on the 8 mandatory requirements. We then make recommendations aiming to strengthen your programme.
- Specific diagnosis of the methods of conception and implementation of your anti-corruption programme
We carry out a specific diagnosis on one or several mandatory measures enforced by the Sapin II law (Code of Conduct, risk mapping, internal whistleblowing system, third-party due diligence, awareness-raising and training, etc.). We then make recommendations aiming to strength your anti-corruption programme.